What's the backstory to this green and red plaid Christmas suit you ask? Well, there was a time when flannels actually meant something. The flannel used to be strictly for Home Improvement’s Al Borland, lumberjacks who get their maple syrup straight from the source, and that behemoth of a man from the Brawny Paper Towel label. Nowadays, you can't go two clicks north without running into a hipster in plaid whose beard reeks of patchouli oil. It’s an atrocity.
The hilarious hypocrisy of the situation is that we are neither lumberjacks nor home improvement gurus, yet we still made a plaid Christmas sweater suit. And our model, who got his calluses from baking gingerbread cookies for his wife's Christmas-themed bunco party, is sporting evergreen-scented face lotion he bought online.
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