Men's Classy Grey Madison Dress Pants

The We Mean Business | Light Grey Madison Suit Pants

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$74.99 USD
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$74.99 USD
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$74.99 USD
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Take America with you wherever you go with these suave grey suit pants. Grab the Madison suit jacket to match and you're set. Wear 'em on a boat, in a tree, or a car, maybe a house. Wear it in the rain or in the dark. Pretty much anywhere you can eat green eggs and ham, you can wear these and feel the pulsing patriotic pride of your clothing choices. The American flag inside lining of the jacket bestows you with the inspiring, ever onward determination of manifest destiny. While the formal grey exterior of the pants allow you to seamlessly blend into every situation, whether your week calls for international 007 style espionage or 40 hours sitting in a cubicle, eating a banana. Either way, lady liberty has your back...and also your legs.